Bunny wobble

Well, I think Bunny got a bit cold this weekend.
I'm sure her anemia is progressing, (hopefully it isn't to the point of needing shots, because that means that there is officially an expiration date on my cat) consequently that means her tolerance for anything that requires extra blood flow is slim to none.
Its kind of disheartening to see her a little more out of it and it was freaking me out.
The good news is that she just slept a little harder after eating (and she's still eating well) and I managed to not muck up her fluids while I topped her fluids tank off (I did a crap job of it the other night and she's a little wary of it now – which breaks my heart.  She forgives me right after, but looks at me askew when I set up for it.)
She is fine today, though; yelling at Tex for brushies and eating well.
I'm the mess in this situation.
I hate emotion.

Bunny and the disembodied Hand of Tex (cue scary music here)

Other than this weekend's not fun wobble, I did a lot of knitting. I sat in my cupboard under the stairs (my office) and watched iTunes episodes of Shark Week (vowing never again to go into the water, ever…rivers aren't even safe…bull sharks, you see.) and made snarky posts on Twitter. Bunny would get up and yell at me to sit with her every once in a while, but other than that, I didn't leave the house (or put on shoes). I needed that, I think.
I've also cleverly scheduled some time off at the end of the year which will give me 10 days in a row for the price of 4. No plans yet. Well, I might plan some cooking and some footie jammies time with a whole lot of knitting, but that's about as ambitious as I plan to get.
My fuel pump is still suspect in Beast, so I drive it only to get to work and back, with very few other stops and starts. I also keep the revs under 2500 rpm to not really stress it… I get freaking amazing gas mileage this way but I get flipped the bird a lot more as well. I did get confirmation from my mechanic that the part I found on the web is the right one, so (4 weeks later, thank you Merc Rx communication errors) it is ordered. We'll see how long it takes to get here and get put into service.
I've also developed what I believe is tennis elbow (I haven't talked to Dr. Google yet) from schlepping my 7 pound work laptop home everyday just  in case my car dies at some inopportune moment (when do they ever die conveniently?) and I get stuck at home for several days. Its my own fault for lifting it with my left hand, but now I need to get my arm fixed as lifting even a dish send excruciating stabs through me. I can lift my arm, I still have range of motion, but lifting is out. Fun.
Tonight is Mabon, so I will be cooking this ( http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/roasted-corn-pudding-in-acorn-squash-recipe.html ) as the Mabon feast. I'll edit here and there on the recipe, but the corn chowder in the acorn squash thing sounded yummy… and how can you go wrong with something covered in cheese? (I'll let you know if I manage to do so…)
Anyway, that's all there is.

No wait, I did get new shoes…
That's really it.

Yes, really.
Go home now.

Posted via email from fredlet’s posterous